Herkimer College Fashionistas Sport Their Talent at Munson

Herkimer College Fashion Buying & Merchandising (FBM) students took on the Munson Museum of Art for a field trip and fashion show on Wednesday and Thursday, September 13-14, in association with the Museum’s exhibition, Sporting Fashion: Outdoor Girls 1800 to 1960.
Students gained new knowledge about fashion and function throughout the years as well as tested their knowledge of fashion history and textiles. The exhibit was even more meaningful for two of the students who also play for the College’s women’s basketball team.
Behind the scenes Thursday evening, FBM majors Ava Lanaux, Imani McNeil, and Gabrielle Silva, along with FBM Assistant Professor, Alesha Bowman, helped to bring the Fierce Fashionistas fashion show to life. Bowman said it was a valuable hands-on experience for the student stylists.
According to Lanaux, a sophomore and president of the College Fashion Club, Fierce Fashionistas was a thrilling experience.
“When (Professor Bowman) had told me we could participate in the show, I was excited.” Lanaux shared. “I have only ever been in one other fashion show, which was for (the) school. The models were very fun and open to my ideas as a stylist. I had to pair jewelry with outfits and steam the clothing before the models put them on.”
“So far, my time spent in the FBM program at Herkimer College has been well spent. I've been to NYC, attended trade shows for brands all around the world, and now completed being a stylist at a fashion show. I've gained more experience and more knowledge on what to expect and also ways to create quick solutions to problems that can arise. Thank you to Munson and Ms. Bowman for the opportunity.”
Professor Bowman also modeled during the show, sporting a 1980s vintage Ramona sequined jacket over a vintage velour hoodie, biker shorts, and a vintage 90’s Paul Smith messenger bag.
Bowman, who hails from Missouri, joined Herkimer College in the spring 2023 semester. In Kansas City, she owned and operated unLESHed+, a secondhand clothing store for plus-size women until August of 2022. Bowman also gained the attention of producers at the Ellen DeGeneres Show in 2020, appearing on an episode that featured small business owners.
For more information about Herkimer College’s Fashion Buying & Merchandising A.A.S. program, visit Herkimer.edu/fashion. You can also follow Herkimer College Fashion on Instagram.