Fall 2024 Courses

Intro to Human Services

Course code: HS111-01 | CRN: 40038 | Credits: 3 | Seats: 4 / 30

This course runs from August 26, 2024 to December 12, 2024 on TR from 12:45 pm to 2:10 pm

This course is designed for students enrolled in the Associates to Applied Science (A.A.S.) program in Human Services. Students will be introduced to the broad field of human services within an interdisciplinary context with a specific focus on helping people meet their basic needs. Students will be exposed to the various roles, functions and practice settings of the profession. Social problems and target populations will be explored within a culturally sensitive lens. Different theoretical orientations will be presented using an experiential learning approach that emphasizes the need to pursue a strength-based approach in the helping process.

Use this link to lookup course materials: Official Herkimer County Community College Textbooks

Instructor: Grace Ashline

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