Scholarship List
Selection of scholarship recipients is made by the Herkimer College Scholarship Committee and other affiliated groups where specified in agreements with the College Foundation.
Scholarship applications are available in mid-November, annually. Students must submit completed applications by the deadline stated to be considered. You may be required to meet additional, specific criteria and provide further information to maintain your eligibility for a scholarship award.
Awards are not transferable. This is a partial scholarship list; dollar amounts and criteria are subject to change.
AARP (American Association of Retired Persons)
An bi-annual award to a second semester freshman; residing in Herkimer County; enrolled in the PTA, Health and/or Human Services programs: GPA and financial need considered.
American Legion of Herkimer County Scholarship
Awarded to a full-time student resident of Herkimer County completing one year of study at Herkimer College and showing promise of completing an associate degree program. Student’s actions should demonstrate a belief in the aims of the American Legion.
Bar Association of Herkimer County Scholarship
Awards to a Paralegal graduate.
Bea & Pliny Applegate Memorial
Incoming freshman from Ilion High School. Winner is selected by Ilion High School.
Bull Family Merit Scholarship
Multiple awards to students enrolling in Business related curricula and demonstrating scholarly excellence. Eligible candidates must have graduated from a Herkimer County high school or from a high school located in a county adjoining Herkimer County. Preference given to Herkimer County high school graduates.
Christine Mergenthaler Memorial Award for Outstanding Service to the Community
$200 award to a second semester freshman who is a resident of Herkimer County and is active in the community.
Claudio & Bettina Scialdo Memorial Scholarship
$150 awarded to a returning senior in any Business degree program who has demonstrated high academic achievement.
Cogar Foundation Scholarships
Multiple scholarships to freshmen who are graduates of Herkimer and Oneida County high schools and residents of one of those counties.
Constantine Panarites and Mary Panarites-Gaspar Scholarship
A minimum award of $250 to a full-time student pursuing a degree in American History with the intention of teaching.
Cosentino Scholarships
Annual awards to students attending Herkimer College from the Mount Markham Central School District.
Cristman Scholarship
Awards to full-time freshmen students for use in the second year of study at Herkimer College.
Curtis S. Francisco Scholarship
Awards for returning Accounting majors, gpa and financial need considered.
Dana Lynn Castronovo Memorial Scholarship
Two awards for Travel and Tourism, one each to a freshman and a graduating senior. Based on extra-curricular service and a dedicated effort to do well.
D’Arcangelo & Co., CPA’s Accounting Scholarship
Awarded to a freshman accounting major with the highest first year GPA for use in the following academic year.
Delta Kappa Gamma Scholarship
An annual award to a graduating female transferring to a four-year program majoring in Education. Recipient is required to attend a luncheon and award presentation ceremony sponsored by this organization.
Donald J. Mitchell Family Fund Scholarships
Awarded to freshmen from Congressman (Ret.) Mitchell’s district constituency to be used in the second year of study at Herkimer College. Based on demonstrated high school leadership and active involvement in the community. Academic promise is considered.
Donald L. Miller and Kassendra L. Miller Scholarship
$500 award to a graduating senior in the Human Services or Social Services program. Must be transferring into a social work program. Preference to transfers to the College of Saint Rose.
Dr. Francis & Kathryn Menapace and Howard & Ruth Marquette Adult Student Scholarship
Awarded to a student in good standing with a 2.0 GPA or higher in their final semester of study. Special needs considered.
Dr. H. David Trautlein, Dean of the College, Emeritus Scholarship
An annual award given to a full-time, second year student enrolled in a career program. Recipient must be a resident of New York State.
Dr. Robert W. Dorrance Memorial Scholarship
An award to a graduation senior transferring to a 4 year institution to pursue a degree in Environmental Science. Preference to transfers to Cornell University or ESF.
Empire State Diversity Honors Scholarship (ESDHS)
Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, New York State resident, demonstrate overcoming a disadvantage or other impediment to success in higher education, demonstrate a commitment to contributing to the diversity of the student body.
ExCel Peer Tutor Scholarship
Awards given to Herkimer College students serving as peer tutors.
Foundation Tuition Scholarship Program
Full first-year, half second-year guaranteed tuition reimbursement awarded to students graduating in the top 15% of their high school class. Student must reside in and graduate from a high school located in Herkimer County. Use must begin the semester immediately following high school graduation. Renewable contingent upon maintaining eligibility. Further information may be obtained from Herkimer College Financial Aid or Herkimer County high school guidance offices.
Frank A. Cancelino Memorial Scholarship
$100 to an incoming freshman from Herkimer or Frankfort high schools with a B average or better.
Fred & Faye Eichholzer Scholarship
An annual award to a student who is a single parent with financial need.
Futures in Science Scholarship
$100 award given to a matriculated Liberal Arts & Sciences: Science major.
Gaynor Memorial Scholarship
One semester's tuition to a resident of Otsego County graduating senior who is attending Herkimer College.
George Farber Aney Scholarship
$500 awards for Communication Arts: Music Industry students.
Grace McLaughlin Scholarships
$500 awards to non-traditional students, preferably single parents. Based on academic performance, community and/or college service, and financial need.
Grace Sara Sugar Memorial Scholarship
$250 award to a Herkimer County resident planning a career in the medical profession. Minimum 2.5 GPA. Preference to Little Falls High School graduates.
Harold C. Luther Memorial Scholarship
$200 awarded to a second semester student in the Social Science/Human Service curriculum who demonstrates community service and plans to continue study in this field.
Harry W. Snyder Memorial Scholarship
Awarded to a PE major with preference to graduates of Little Falls High School and residents of Little Falls.
Herkimer College Campus Safety Scholarship
Annual award given to a Criminal Justice student.
Herkimer County College Foundation Hope Scholarships
$500 scholarships awarded to graduating high school seniors who are residents of Herkimer County with a minimum high school GPA of 80 and a proven record of community service, extracurricular activities and/or leadership experience. Must be enrolled full-time at Herkimer College in the fall semester following their high school graduation.
Herkimer College Professional Association Scholarship
One semesters tuition to a second year freshman as determined by the Herkimer College Scholarship Committee.
Hill Family Scholarship
Awarded to a second semester student to continue the second year at Herkimer College. Based on academic performance and college contributions.
Hummel Scholarships
Four $250 annual awards to freshmen studying in the Business Division. One recipient will have graduated from high school with less than an 85% average and shown significant improvement in college.
ICON Scholarship
Annual award to a science major who is a full time second semester freshman, residing in Herkimer or Oneida counties.
Jack Christenson Academic Prize
$100 awarded to a graduating senior. Must be a union member or the son, daughter, or spouse of a union member. Based on academic excellence.
Jean E. Stapleton Travel and Tourism Scholarship
$250 award to a first-year Travel and Tourism major demonstrating academic excellence.
Joan Johnston Scholarship
$300 award to a student majoring in Communications, minimum 3.0 GPA, and demonstrated financial need.
John W. Bergin Scholarship
Annual award to a student who has done most for self and the College.
Joseph P. DeLorenzo Scholarship
$250 award given to a current student or graduating senior with a GPA of 3.0 or higher, who shows leadership and humanitarian interests and displays kindness and compassion.
Kaiser Family Scholarship
Annual award in the amount of $500 to an incoming freshman student enrolled full-time in the Business Administration curriculum with plans to pursue a baccalaureate degree.
Kathleen Gallagher Memorial Scholarship
Annual award to a graduating senior studying Travel & Tourism. Based on academic achievement and financial need.
KFC Scholarship
Up to $500 annually to a part-time Herkimer College student, 25 years of age or older, employed part-time, with a “C” or above average.
Lisa Mulligan Lavoie Memorial Scholarship
$250 award given to an adult, returning student majoring in Early Childhood or Liberal Arts and Sciences: Childhood Education with a minimum 3.0 grade point average. Preference given to a single parent planning to pursue a four-year degree in Education.
Lou Ambers Memorial Scholarship
Up to $500 awarded to a student based on academic performance.
Love and Compassion Scholarship In memory of the victims of the Mohawk/Herkimer Tragedy on March 13-14, 2013
Award recipients must be a resident of Mohawk or Herkimer, have earned a high school diploma and are involved in their community.
Lynn “Pop” Walsh Memorial Scholarship
$100 award to an outstanding athlete.
M&T Bank Scholarship
Award to an incoming freshman or returning senior in a business related major. Must be a graduate of a Herkimer or Oneida County high school. Preference based on financial need.
Margaret T. Quackenbush Scholarship
$6,500 to a graduating Herkimer College senior transferring, preferably, to a four-year SUNY college to pursue a baccalaureate degree. Proof of registration required.
Marianne Panko Memorial Scholarship
Award based on academic performance and campus activities. Preference given to a student active in the campus Dance Workshop.
Martin and Ann Manion Family Scholarship
Award made to a non-traditional graduating Herkimer College senior with a 3.5 gpa or higher who is transferring to a 4 year school. Must be a graduate of a Herkimer County high school.
Nicholas F. Laino Family Scholarship
Award for a second year student who resides in Herkimer or Oneida counties. Business Administration degree candidate, minimum 3.2 gpa, preference to NJCAA Men's or Women's Basketball, Track & Field or Softball members.
Nicolas Paslow Memorial Scholarship
A $250 award to an incoming freshman student who is a graduate of the Herkimer County BOCES Career/Technical Education program. Must demonstrate financial need and academic promise.
NYS Federation of Home Bureaus Scholarships
Four awards: in honor of Kay Cookinham to a student in the Physical Therapist Assistant program; in memory of Windecker-Sharo-Bray to a Computer Science major; in honor of Ardythe Heiser to an Accounting or Computer Science student; and one award to a student studying in the Early Childhood program.
Officer Joseph D. Corr Scholarship
$500 award given to a graduating senior majoring in criminal justice and pursuing a career in law enforcement. Preference given to a student interested in baseball.
Patty Gallagher Memorial Scholarship
$150 award given to a student who may have encountered family illness or parental loss and have financial need. 3.0 GPA or higher.
Polish Community Home Scholarship
$500 award to a Herkimer County resident demonstrating financial need.
Progressive Club Scholarship
The Ada H. Root Scholarship is made annually to a senior who graduated from Herkimer High School.
Randall D. Button Memorial Scholarship
$100 award to a Herkimer County resident. Preference given to an incoming student studying in the Small Business Management Certificate program.
Raymond J. Lenarcic and Gary W. Ruff Veterans Scholarship
$500 award annually to a returning veteran student in good academic standing.
RFC Scholarship
Up to $500 annually to a part-time Herkimer College student, 25 years of age or older, employed part-time, with a “C” or above average.
Richard Karpen Jr., Memorial Scholarship
$500 award to a graduating senior science student. Must be transferring to a baccalaureate program. Preference given to Herkimer High School graduate.
Rocco & Rose Fiato Family Scholarship
An award to a Small Business Management student.
Ronald Jay Fuhrer Memorial Scholarship
Awarded to a returning freshman with financial need. Preference to a student athlete, any sport who makes a substantial contribution but has otherwise not received any special recognition.
Rose Marie Battisti Scholarship
Award to a Human Services major, full time second semester freshman, financial need and academic performance taken into consideration.
Senator James H. Donovan Memorial Scholarship
Awarded to a freshman student based on high school academic performance and active involvement in community affairs. Donovan Scholars must reside in Herkimer, Oneida or Lewis County.
Silvio Campagna Memorial Scholarship
$450 to a student in good academic standing.
Slocum-Dickson Grants
Awarded to students pursuing health careers.
St. Joseph of Cupertino Scholarship
$250 merit based award to a graduating senior demonstrating ethical and moral values during their tenure at Herkimer College to be used toward continuing education.
Steven J. Weaver Foundation Scholarship
$250 award made to a student who demonstrates commitment to the local community and a willingness to remain in the community after graduation. This award is to be granted a student who may not qualify for financial aid but does demonstrate some need. Preference to Herkimer or Oneida county residents.
Temple Beth Joseph Scholarship
Annual $50 award to a graduating student who has demonstrated local community and college service.
Thomas J. and Joann L. Casale Family Scholarship
An award equal to one year's full tuition open to Herkimer High School graduating seniors who will be attending Herkimer College, full-time in the fall semester after their high school graduation. Essay required. Interested applicants should contact the Herkimer High School Guidance Office.
Thomas W. Lenahan Scholarship
A $100 award given to a graduating student, continuing his or her education at an upper division college. Must be a member of the Herkimer College Criminal Justice Club and demonstrate academic success. Preference given to responsible students who have a respectful and positive attitude in their studies and personal life.
Universalist Society of Herkimer Scholarship
$500 awarded to a second year freshman enrolled in one of the following programs: Social Science, Physical Therapist Assistant, Human Services, Health Services Management or Early Childhood Education. Preference to Herkimer High School graduates. Recipient must be a Herkimer County high school graduate. Based primarily on academic excellence and financial need.
Utica National Insurance Group Scholarship
$500 award to full-time students with GPA of 3.25 or higher. Preference to children of Utica National employees.
Wayne Tayler Memorial Scholarship
$150 annual award given to a deserving student.
Wesley P. Small Memorial Scholarship
A $500 award to a graduating senior enrolled in Liberal Arts and Sciences: Humanities.
Norman E. Stahlman & William F. Dillenbeck Assoc. of Town & Village Superintendents of Highways of Herkimer County Scholarship
An award awarded to a Herkimer County high school graduate. Preference given to highway employees’ immediate family members. Available to incoming freshman.
William Hennessey Memorial Scholarship
A single $500 award to an Ilion, Mohawk, Herkimer, Frankfort or Little Falls high school graduate demonstrating financial need.
William H. Welch Scholarship
A $100 award given to a Fine Arts or English major who is transferring on to a 4 year school. Based on creative ability. Must have a 2.0 GPA or higher.
Williams Family Scholarship
A $500 award given to an incoming freshman student enrolled in a Business: Accounting degree program.