Search Updates

March 18, 2025

Dear Faculty and Staff,

As chair of the Presidential Search Committee, I would like to provide you with an update on the presidential search process.

Our search consultant, Pauly Group, Inc., has begun the recruitment phase of the search, which includes posting the profile on higher education job sites, listservs, and in publications. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Materials submitted by Friday, March 31, 2025 will receive priority consideration.

Information about the search process, including the position profile and list of committee members, is on the college website at:

The process and anticipated timeline are as follows:

  • Mid-April: The committee will conduct first interviews of 8-10 candidates followed by a selection of 3-5 finalists. After the committee selects the finalists, their work is done, and the selection process returns to the full Board of Trustees (BOT).
  • Late April/early May: The BOT will interview the finalists, consume feedback from the open forums, and select three candidates to forward to the SUNY Chancellor for interviews. The Chancellor will then provide feedback to the Herkimer BOT.
  • Mid-to-late May: The BOT will meet to determine the next president of Herkimer College with SUNY's approval.

I would like to thank the search committee members for their willingness to serve and devote the required time and effort to this very important task. Please be assured that we are committed to maintaining confidentiality throughout the search process. We will update you on progress as it is appropriate to do so.


Daniel Reardon
Chair, Presidential Search Committee

February 25, 2025

Dear Herkimer College community,

I am writing to provide you with an update on the presidential search. Since my last communication, there have been important discussions and developments that will guide our next steps.

On January 28, 2025, the SUNY Board of Trustees approved a resolution limiting the term of appointment of an administrator-in-charge at a community college to one year from the time of appointment, absent approval from the SUNY Board of Trustees upon recommendation of the Chancellor for an extension not to exceed six months. Seeking clarity on this matter, our Executive Committee engaged in a conference call with Chancellor King. Through this dialogue, it became clear that Chancellor King expects Herkimer College to relaunch the search for our fifth president as soon as possible. He also expressed his support and commitment to ensuring a timely, successful search process, with the goal of a new president on board by Fall 2025.

Last evening, the Herkimer College Board of Trustees took action to relaunch the search for Herkimer’s fifth president. The decision followed thoughtful discussion and careful consideration of the options. As I’m sure you know, this has not been an easy process for all involved, and I wish to point out that above all, the Board is dedicated to making decisions that serve the long-term success of our institution and our community.

Vice Chairman Dan Reardon has agreed to chair the search and will communicate details about the search process in the near future. In the meantime, I want to reiterate the Board’s full confidence in Nick Laino and our entire leadership team.

Thank you for your continued patience, support, and dedication.




Michael A. Stalteri, Sr.

Chairman, Board of Trustees

November 13, 2024

Dear Herkimer College Community,

I am writing to you today on behalf of the Board of Trustees to provide an update regarding the presidential search. As many of you know, last November, we concluded a comprehensive national search for Herkimer College’s fifth president. After careful deliberation, we recommended a candidate to the SUNY Board of Trustees and Chancellor King.

Over the past several months, as SUNY's process has progressed, the Board has patiently waited for a decision, while maintaining open lines of communication and readiness to proceed. Last week, during a conference call with the Chancellor, the Board's Executive Committee was informed that Chancellor King has ultimately decided not to accept our recommendation and has formally declared an end to the search process.

In response, the Board of Trustees held a special session last evening to discuss and process this recent outcome. While we have not yet made any final decisions on our next steps, please be assured that we are approaching this matter with the attention it deserves.

Though we share in the disappointment, we are confident that Herkimer College remains in capable hands with Nick Laino serving as Officer-in-Charge. Nick and the entire leadership team have demonstrated unwavering commitment to the College’s mission, and we have every confidence in their ability to lead the campus forward with strength and resilience.

Thank you for your patience, understanding, and ongoing support of Herkimer College. We remain steadfast in our commitment to the College’s future and to finding the right leadership that reflects our values and vision.


Michael A. Stalteri, Sr.
Chairman, Board of Trustees

January 12, 2024

Dear Faculty and Staff,

I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday season and is looking forward to the new year with renewed energy.

The Board of Trustees had hoped that SUNY would be completing the presidential search process this month. However, with five community college searches currently in progress, SUNY's approval process has the potential of moving into late winter or early spring. We will keep the campus community informed as we get closer to our approval date. In the meantime, we have great confidence in the administration, faculty and staff continuing to move forward with many new and exciting initiatives.

Thank you all for your continued work and commitment to Herkimer College and our students. Best wishes to all for a successful start to the new semester.


Michael A. Stalteri, Sr.
Chairman, Board of Trustees

December 12, 2023

Dear Faculty and Staff,

With the holidays and a new year approaching, on behalf of the Board of Trustees, I would like to thank you for your great work throughout the year and your continued commitment to our students and the College.

The Board is particularly grateful for the tremendous involvement, support, and patience everyone has shown throughout the search process for our fifth president. As a testament to our well-respected organization, the candidacy pool was deep and highly qualified, making the selection process very difficult.

On November 17th, the Board deliberated for many hours and selected a final candidate to move forward to Chancellor King and the SUNY Board of Trustees. SUNY is now completing their part of the process, and from what we have been told, this can take some time. We are anticipating SUNY’s process will be completed by the end of January 2024, so we will then be able to move forward and make a public announcement. Stay tuned for more information and further updates in the new year.

We look forward to meeting and greeting with all of you at the holiday celebration this week. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I would like to wish you and your families a very joyous holiday season and happy new year!


Michael A. Stalteri, Sr.
Chairman, Board of Trustees

November 21, 2023

Dear Faculty and Staff,

The search for the next President of Herkimer College is moving along smoothly. Thank you for participating and welcoming our final candidates. It has been a collaborative process, allowing everyone to contribute their input.

After reviewing survey feedback, reference reports, and notes from the final candidate interviews, the Board of Trustees has chosen a candidate to move forward to the SUNY Chancellor for the next phase of the process. We have now handed over the recommendation to SUNY, and I will keep you informed as we receive additional information about their process and timeline.


Michael A. Stalteri, Sr.
Chairman, Board of Trustees

November 7, 2023

Dear Faculty and Staff,

Thank you for awaiting the specifics regarding the presidential final candidate meetings. We are looking forward to hosting four finalists beginning tomorrow.

I would like to begin by thanking Trustee Bill Gregory who has served as search committee chair, and the entire search committee for their service to Herkimer College. This was a labor-intensive process that required a lot of time and effort. I am grateful for their willingness to serve on this committee and for their commitment and energy.

All who interact with the final candidates during their campus visits will have the opportunity to complete an anonymous survey regarding their observations of strengths and areas of potential growth. The information will be compiled by Pauly Group and submitted to me before selecting the successful candidate. To submit comments, please click on the survey link listed in the details below for each candidate. The deadline to complete a survey is noon on Thursday, November 16.

The finalist names and meeting details are as follows:

Bryan Newton, Ph.D., J.D.
Wednesday, November 8
Survey Link:

Lloyd Holmes, Ph.D.
Thursday, November 9
Survey Link:

Nicholas Laino
Tuesday, November 14
Survey Link:

David Clickner, Ph.D.
Wednesday, November 15
Survey Link:

The schedule for each of the candidates is as follows:

  • 8:00 - 8:45 a.m. - Campus Tour (excluding N. Laino)
  • 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. - Executive Cabinet, CA 243
  • 10:15 - 11:15 a.m. - Staff, RMCC 288 11:30 - 12:30 p.m. Supervisors (Deans/Directors), RMCC 288
  • 12:45 - 1:30 p.m. - Lunch with Students, Cogar Gallery
  • 2:15 - 3:15 p.m. - Faculty, RMCC 288
  • 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. - Open Forum, RMCC 288 or via Teams meeting (see links below)

    Newton: Click here to join the meeting
    Meeting ID: 229 000 723 165 Passcode: DfN87J

    Holmes: Click here to join the meeting
    Meeting ID: 279 349 946 579 Passcode: mp4BHx

    Laino: Click here to join the meeting
    Meeting ID: 218 505 452 618 Passcode: kn2hWY

    Clickner: Click here to join the meeting
    Meeting ID: 235 091 445 423 Passcode: eugUcA

  • 5:00 - 6:15 p.m. - Board of Trustees, RMCC 282/283

  • 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. - Dinner with Board of Trustees, Cogar Gallery

You will find resumes for each of the candidates at

If you have any questions, please contact Shari Hunt at Thank you.


Michael Stalteri, Sr.
Chairman, Board of Trustees

October 31, 2023

Dear Faculty and Staff,

I am writing to provide an update on the status of the presidential search.

The search committee has forwarded four final candidates to the Board of Trustees. These finalists will visit Herkimer College to engage with the campus and community. After these visits, the Board of Trustees will make a recommendation to SUNY for Herkimer's next president. Dates for final candidate visits are:

  • Wednesday, November 8
  • Thursday, November 9
  • Tuesday, November 14
  • Wednesday, November 15

The agenda for each visit will be as follows:

  • 8:00 - 8:45 a.m. - Campus Tour
  • 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. - Executive Cabinet
  • 10:15 - 11:15 a.m. - Staff
  • 11:30 - 12:30 p.m. - Supervisors (Deans, Directors)
  • 12:45 - 1:30 p.m. - Lunch with Students
  • 2:15 - 3:15 p.m. - Faculty
  • 3:30-4:30 p.m. - Open Forum for Community/Anyone to Attend
  • 5:00 - 6:15 p.m. - Board of Trustees
  • 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. - Dinner with Board of Trustees

Specific information about meeting locations will be announced on Tuesday, November 7 when the names of the final candidates are publicly announced.

Many thanks to Angela Provart, president of The Pauly Group, Inc., and the Search Committee for their time and efforts throughout this process. If you have questions or concerns, you may contact Angela Provart or myself through Shari Hunt at


William M. Gregory
Chair, Presidential Search Committee

September 27, 2023

Dear Faculty and Staff,

I am writing to provide an update on the status of the presidential search. The search is underway, and applications are being received. The position profile may be reviewed at

The close date for applications was Monday, September 25th. The Presidential Search Committee will identify eight to 10 semifinal candidates on October 2nd for confidential first-round interviews to be held the week of October 23rd. It is anticipated that the names of three or four final candidates will be announced on Tuesday, November 7th.

The final candidates will have the opportunity to visit campus, meet with groups, and tour the service area. Tentative dates for final candidate visits are November 8, 9, 14, and 15. Agendas for those visits will be announced at a later date.

The Board is expected to select the successful candidate at a special board meeting to be held November 16 or 17, after which the successful candidate will be forwarded to the SUNY Chancellor for consideration prior to any public announcement.

I would like to thank Angela Provart, president of The Pauly Group, Inc. and the Search Committee for their time and efforts thus far.

If you have questions or concerns, you may contact Angela Provart or myself through Shari Hunt at


William M. Gregory
Chair, Presidential Search Committee

August 31, 2023

Dear Faculty and Staff,

Thank you to all who participated in the recent presidential search listening sessions with Angela Provart of the Pauly Group, Inc and some of the selection committee members. Your input is vital to a successful presidential search for Herkimer College.

Based on input from the sessions with various stakeholder groups, including community members, and input from the search committee and Board of Trustees, the position profile has been finalized and published. The position profile is available on the college website at: along with the list of search committee members.

The Pauly Group, Inc. has begun the recruitment phase of the search, which includes posting the profile on a variety of higher education job sites, list serves, and publications. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled, with materials submitted by Monday, September 25, 2023 receiving priority consideration.

We anticipate first interviews of the 8-10 semi-finalists to take place in mid-October, followed by a selection of 3-5 finalists. After the committee selects the finalists, their work is done, and the selection process returns to the full Board of Trustees (BOT). In mid-November, the BOT will interview the finalists, consume feedback from the open forums, and select the next president of Herkimer College with SUNY's approval.

Please be assured that we are committed to maintaining confidentiality throughout the search process. We will update you on progress as it is appropriate to do so.

If you have questions or concerns, you may contact Angela Provart or myself through Shari Hunt at


William M. Gregory
Chair, Presidential Search Committee

June 20, 2023

Dear Faculty and Staff,

Herkimer College has begun the search process for the next President of our College, and I wanted to give you a few updates in the process. To assist the Board of Trustees with the search, we have engaged Pauly Group, Inc., a national search consulting firm that assists in the recruitment and successful hiring of community college executives.

Details about the process to date follow:

  • June/July - Board of Trustees identifying and asking Presidential Search Committee
    members to serve on the Committee
  • Week of August 21st
    • Dr. Angela Provart, President of Pauly Group, will be meeting in person with the
      Presidential Search Committee on Wednesday, August 23, 2023.
    • Angela will also host listening sessions with various groups at Herkimer College on
      Thursday, August 24, 2023 to learn the needs of the College and the characteristics
      sought in the next President.
  • Late August - September - Recruitment of applicants
  • Early October - Presidential Search Committee identifies candidates for first-round
  • Mid October - Committee conducts first-round interviews
  • Weeks of November 6th and 13th - Final candidates will be at the College to meet with
    various constituency groups and the Board of Trustees. Once identified, these dates will
    be announced.
  • Late November - Board identifies successful candidate
  • Mid December - SUNY Board approves Herkimer College Board's nomination
  • January 2024 - Successful candidate begins post as President of Herkimer College

It is an exciting time for Herkimer College. Please stay tuned for additional information about the


William M. Gregory
Chair, Presidential Search Committee