Faculty Spotlight: Lisa Elwood, Professor of English

Lisa Elwood, Professor of English
Ph.D. Indiana University of Pennsylvania, (in-progress)
MA New Mexico State University
BA Marymount College
Professional Affiliations:
American Literature Association, Society for the Study of American Women Writers, Nineteenth Century Studies Association, Northeast Modern Language Association, College English Association, Kate Chopin Society, Catherine Sedgewick Society.
What do you think makes the educational experience at Herkimer unique?
The community of faculty and staff make me extremely proud to work here because they help to make each and every student’s educational path easier. Everything we do on our campus is for the benefit of our students. We listen when students make requests, ask questions, or need help; we are committed to their success.
What do you enjoy most about teaching at Herkimer College?
I enjoy the familial atmosphere where we know our students on a personal as well as a professional level. Faculty attend athletic events, participate in student activities, and encourage student engagement with community relations. Most of us live and work in this community, so it is great to see current and former students around the local towns and villages. We can see what an education at Herkimer can do in the lives of our community members.
What do students need to know in order to succeed in college?
Students should know that we are here to see them succeed in whatever their endeavor is. They may want to transfer to a four-year college or university or they may want to get a job right out of our programs; whatever their reason, we are here to help them do it.
What interests you most about the subject area in which you teach?
I teach literature and writing courses because I believe both reading and writing can reform the world. In teaching reading, I hope to give students the tools for sharper critical thinking skills and for greater ability to analyze a text. With writing, my interest is helping to give students a voice. When students learn to express themselves by communicating clearly and effectively, great things can happen!
What inspired you to become an educator?
Other educators inspired me. I wanted to offer the opportunity to open minds to new ideas and new ways of thinking about the world the way my teachers did for me.