How the Counseling Center can help your Student

Many reports have suggested that this generation of college students are experiencing more mental health challenges than any previous generation of college students. Encourage your student to practice good self-care by eating right, getting regular exercise, and about 8 hours of sleep each night. Talk to them about getting socially connected by joining a club or organization through Microsoft Teams, and let your student know that the Counseling Center is here for them if they would like to speak with a counselor. If your student is showing signs of a mental health struggle such as sleeping too much, not sleeping enough, change in appetite, difficulty concentrating, substance abuse, uncharacteristic behavior; let them know you are concerned, why you are concerned and help them get connected to the Counseling Center or other resources. If you need assistance you can call or email the Counseling Center.
Appointments can be made by calling 315 574-4034 or by emailing
For specific concerns regarding students’ alcohol or drug use, contact Amy Fahey, Prevention Services Coordinator, at or (315)866-0300 x8249.