SUNY offers to match donations to HCCF Assists Fund


Good Afternoon,

A few weeks ago I sent everyone an email announcing the creation of the HCCF Assists fund, designed to help our students in need during the COVID-19 crisis.  I’m writing you now to provide an update.

The SUNY Impact Foundation recently announced a matching gift program for each campus’ emergency relief funds.  From now until June 30, we are eligible to receive a dollar for dollar match, up to $50,000 for donations we receive to our HCCF Assists fund.  The match could be used to match a single gift of $50K or multiple gifts that add up to $50K. 

This announcement is huge and has the potential to play a significant role on the lives of our students.  If we can raise $50K and get a dollar for dollar match, giving our Assists fund $100K to use to help our students in need, I don’t think the word “impactful” does it justice.

To be clear, these dollars are not so that a student can pay off their credit card debt or other such debts.  Rather, the intent is to provide students with emergency aid who are experiencing temporary set-backs.  Examples are things like medical emergencies, theft, job loss, backup transportation, family abandonment or backup childcare.  These guidelines are established by the SUNY Impact Foundation and are in line with the intent of the HCCF Assists Fund. 

I respectfully ask all of us, the entire HCCC community, to please consider a donation to the HCCF Assists Fund.  You can do so simply by clicking the link  Given that we’re still away from campus, that’s the simplest way to donate.  But certainly any of you who have questions or who would prefer to donate by check or mail, please reach out to me and I’ll help you get that accomplished. 

This is a big opportunity for us to help our students who are really struggling.  Probably the most significant opportunity I’ve seen in my time at the college.  I thank you all in advance for your consideration and please continue to stay safe and healthy!



Rob Fowler

Executive Director/Foundation

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