Update to Mask/Face Covering Mandate, Effective 3/9/2022
In light of the continued decrease in local COVID-19 cases, in accordance with NYS Governor Kathy Hochul’s recent announcement, and in consultation with the Herkimer County Public Health Department; Herkimer College has made the following decision to its mask/face-covering requirements on campus:
- Effective, Wednesday March 9, 2022, face coverings will be optional in all indoor/outdoor public settings.
- Individuals who are not fully vaccinated are strongly encouraged to continue wearing face coverings indoors and outdoors — where social distancing cannot be maintained.
COVID-19 Testing
- Weekly testing remains a requirement for all individuals who are unvaccinated; who are eligible to receive a COVID-19 booster vaccination but have not done so or provided proof of such; and all student athletes.
Per SUNY policy, all vaccinated individuals must test monthly. A follow-up email with schedule times will be forthcoming.
All students and employees may continue to test on a voluntary basis.
Respect for Individual Choice
The choice to wear a face covering is an individual decision. We ask that everyone respect and be considerate of an individual’s decision to do so.
Continued Monitoring
We will continue to monitor COVID-19 transmission rates and remain in consultation with the Herkimer County Public Health Department. Face covering requirements may be reinstated should transmission rates increase.