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Handshake helps recruiters find top talent.

Post Your Job & Internship Opportunities

Herkimer College has partnered with Handshake to share job and internship opportunities with our students and alumni, and we want you to join, too! Simply navigate to our Handshake page to create or login to your Free Handshake account.

Herkimer College Career Services is a member of the Central New York Recruiting Consortium (CNYRC), which also uses Handshake for employment and internship opportunities. Members include Herkimer College, Mohawk Valley Community College, SUNY Polytechnic Institute, and Utica University. 

Job Fairs

Herkimer College Career Services hosts two job fairs every year. There is no cost to employers and a table is provided for setup.

Part-Time Job Fair – Fall Semester

  • Employers meet with current Herkimer students who are interested in part-time employment while continuing their education
  • Local employers are encouraged to attend

Career Fair – Spring Semester

  • Connects graduating seniors to full-time positions with local and regional employers
  • Herkimer College Alumni and Community Members are welcome to attend, and recruiters often find candidates with a wide range of education and experience
  • Employers with part-time, seasonal or internship opportunities are also encouraged to attend

On-Campus Recruitment

  • Contact us to arrange an individual recruitment day. A table and chairs will be set up for you in a high traffic area in the upper lobby of the RMCC building on the day of your event.
  • When scheduling your recruitment session, let us know what positions you are hiring for so we can advertise on campus.
  • Additional arrangements can be made for follow-up interviews.

For assistance with recruiting Herkimer College students and alumni, contact the Career Services Center at 315-866-0300 ext. 8457 or careerservices@herkimer.edu

Recruiting Policy

Herkimer College’s recruiting policy reflects our mission to help students persist to graduation and allows for up to two recruitment sessions per semester for military branches and employers. We also ask recruiters to target those who will be graduating at the end of the semester.

Posting Policy

Through Handshake, employers can find diverse, well-rounded, and skilled talent from our many academic programs. You are invited to use the Handshake platform if you are an employer with genuine employment and internship opportunities.

Genuine employment is defined as full-time or part-time compensatory positions, either salaried or hourly. Commission-only positions must be clearly labeled as such.  Required fees for memberships, training, products or equipment must be clearly outlined in the posting. Employment may not require candidates to use their social media profiles and personal data (e.g., bank accounts, social security numbers, etc.) during the application process. Employment may not be related to the adult entertainment industry. Employment may not be based on a “pyramid-style” networking structure, requiring the recruitment of others who recruit others to sell products or services. Positions in private homes and/or for personal services (e.g., babysitting, lawn work, personal care) may not be posted. 

As a member of the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), Herkimer College’s expectation is that any interaction with students or alumni is in compliance with the NACE Principles for Professional Conduct. Likewise, if posting an internship, Herkimer’s expectation is that the opportunity meets the NACE definition of an internship and complies with the Fair Labor Standards Act.

All employers must comply with all federal and state Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) laws (Title VI and IX) and ADA. Release of candidate information provided by the Handshake platform is intended exclusively for the identified employer. Redisclosure of candidate information is not permitted.

Third-party recruiters and staffing agencies may post genuine employment and/or internship positions provided a complete position description is included that clearly states candidates will be working through a third party. Positions must be located within the United States; recruiting candidates for foreign employment is prohibited.  Herkimer College reserves the right to request the name and information about the originating employer at any time. All other aspects of this policy must be observed. 

Herkimer College reserves the right to deny access to posting services to any employer or third-party recruiter/staffing agency at any time.