Grades & Transcripts

At the completion of each class, your instructor will submit your final grades to the Registrar's Office at Herkimer College. Several days after the deadline for your grades, you may obtain your grades online. If you are unable to log in to Student Online Services, please contact the Student IT Help Desk at (315) 866-0300 x8555 or

Once you are logged in, follow the steps below to view your grades:

  • Select the Student Services Tab
  • Select Student Services
  • Select View Final Grades and ensure you are in the correct term

Transferring Credit

To transfer Herkimer College credits to another institution, you must request an official transcript.

  • Herkimer College offers official transcripts through Parchment. For more information and to request your official transcript, visit the Herkimer College Registrar's Transcripts page.
  • Each official transcript costs $14.