Spring 2025
Gangs: Theory, Pract & Suppres
Course code: SS227-01 | CRN: 20131 | Credits: 3 | Seats: 9 / 22
This course runs from January 23, 2025 to May 13, 2025 on MWF from 10:10 am to 11:05 am
This course examines the socio-demographic correlates of gang formation throughout history involving race, class, and gender. There is also a concentrated emphasis on the social impact of contemporary gang membership in the United States. Topics to be covered include gang history, gang organization, social structures and systems which play in the creation and perpetuation of dynamics of power, privilege, oppression, and opportunity, and the contribution of gangs to social problems and effective interventions to gang-related problems.
Use this link to lookup course materials: Official Herkimer County Community College Textbooks
Instructor: Monica Hack Polkosnik