A fundamental understanding of processing a crime scene.

As a Forensic Investigations major at Herkimer College, you’ll develop occupational competence for entry into public law enforcement and/or private investigative fields.

Successful graduates of this program:

  • Use skills and knowledge needed to work within the Criminal Justice field
  • Understand the fundamentals of processing a crime scene
  • Obtain the complex skills required of a crime scene investigator/photographer
  • Locate, document, and collect physical evidence at a crime scene
  • Ensure the chain of custody is maintained
  • Properly mark all evidence prior to collection and account for it at all times until the crime is solved

Graduates find employment in entry-level positions in public and private investigative agencies and companies, or may choose to go on to pursue a four-year degree.


View our program course requirements as published in the College Catalog.

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Career Opportunities

Transfer Agreements

Please review transfer agreements we have established (for our Forensic Investigations A.A.S. Program) with four-year colleges & universities to provide a seamless transfer of credits. Programs also offered online are denoted by asterisk *.

As a Patrol Officer for the Fulton City Police, Mary Lenhart works daily to serve and protect her community, enforce laws, and deter crime.  “As cliché as it sounds,” Lenhart says, “I love getting to help better my community and keep it safe every day.”

At Herkimer, Lenhart gained the knowledge she needed in her career choice.  She credits the small class sizes with allowing her to work one on with her professors.  “That’s something you don’t get at bigger colleges,” Lenhart says.

“My professors were always supportive and eager to help me pursue my dream of becoming a police officer,” Lenhart recalls. “My experience at Herkimer really helped to prepare me for my career path.”

Learn more about this exciting degree program from Assistant Professor of Forensic Investigations, William Stack.