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A strong foundation for a career in law enforcement.

In partnership with the Little Falls Police Department, Herkimer College offers Phase I Pre-Employment Police Basic Training. This first phase of pre-employment training is open to civilians and sworn police officers as an alternative to the conventional manner of conducting the Basic Course for Police Officers. The program will prepare students to begin preparation for a career as a police officer prior to being hired by a law enforcement agency. As a further benefit, the program provides law enforcement agencies and municipalities with a diverse pool of trained police officer candidates.

State-of-the-art Law Enforcement Training Center

Herkimer College now offers a state-of-the-art Law Enforcement Training Center featuring a VirTra® virtual reality training system. The training system has hundreds of scenarios that allow for realistic training in areas like de-escalation, use of force, interacting with mentally ill people, and more. The system helps students hone their communication and decision-making skills in stressful situations.

Herkimer’s V-300® solution includes five large screens for a 300-degree immersive training environment. Outcomes are based on the actions taken by the police officer in real-time with multiple responses from on-screen persons. The immersive environment recreates psychological stressors like an elevated heart rate and high levels of adrenaline that officers experience during intense training.

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Career Opportunities

Meagan C. Bedell '19 (Fort Hunter, NY) graduated in the first class from the Pre-Employment Police Basic Training program at Herkimer College, in partnership with the Little Falls Police Department. Meagan said, "The program helped us prepare for over 50 different topics and situations that we will encounter as officers. This opportunity to experience everything from day to day activities to the most stressful of situations is really rewarding."

Meagan was the only female in the inaugural class and offered some words of advice for other women who aspire to start police training. "Law enforcement is one team, one family. The 15 other men I graduated with have always included me in everything...just like they would any other cadet," she said. She explained that the family and team mentality that thrived in her class helps prepare cadets for working in a small group or police force.

Michael Masi became a police officer for the City of Little Falls in 1992. He advanced through the ranks to the position of chief of police in 2008. He served as director of the Little Falls Police Academy from 2000 to 2018 and was instrumental in bringing the Police Academy to Herkimer College in 2018. He has also instructed in numerous other academies around New York State and is a member of the New York State Law Enforcement Training Directors Association. 

“Policing is a most rewarding, yet challenging career, and I commend the men and women who choose the law enforcement profession. The communities we serve are changing quickly, making education for professional officers more important than ever.”