Establish yourself in the field or take your first step toward the Supply Chain Management A.A.S. with an online microcredential.

This 12-credit program includes four different foundational courses, so it’s a great starting point for new supply chain professionals to build fundamental industry knowledge. The program prepares students with the fundamental knowledge required for a variety of jobs in logistics or supply chain management, including purchasing, transportation, inventory, and warehousing. Successful participants will learn to manage the workflow of information, materials, and services from raw material suppliers through factories and warehouses to the end customer. 

*Students taking this microcredential may be eligible for NYS Part-Time Tuition Assistance for Non-Degree Credentials.

  • Supply Chain Management A.A.S.

    Fill a growing demand. Increase your earning potential. Learn more about our Supply Chain Management A.A.S. degree program.


View our program course requirements as published in the College Catalog.

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