Admissions/ASAP Program/ASAP Program Application ASAP Program Application Legal First Name * Legal Last Name * Preferred First Name Email * School Address (if a current Herkimer College student) Home Address Date of Birth Phone Number Herkimer ID Number (if you are a current Herkimer College student) Major/Intended Major What is your enrollment status? Select New incoming student New incoming student with college credit Transfer student Returning student (returning after having taken one or more semesters off from Herkimer College) Continuing student (current Herkimer College student) How many college credits will you have earned at the start of the fall 2024 semester? Financial Aid Completion for 2025/2026 (select all that apply): I have filed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). I have filled the application for the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP). I have filed for the NYS DREAM Act. I have not filed for FAFSA or TAP, but I plan to file. I do not qualify or I choose not to apply for financial aid. The following questions are completely optional and do not affect your eligibility for the ASAP Program. How did you hear about the ASAP Program? email from ASAP social media Herkimer College Visit Day college fair or high school event Herkimer College website internet search from another student from a friend or family member from a Herkimer College employee other Please explain