Faculty & Staff Spotlights
Steven Boucher
Assistant Professor of Business
Steven Boucher, Assistant Professor of Business
Hiring Year: 2020
B.S., Economics - SUNY Oneonta | M.B.A., SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Professional Affiliations/Board Memberships, awards, etc.:
- Legislator, Oneida County Legislature
- New York State Real Estate Professional
- Oneida-Herkimer-Madison Board Member
- Oneida- Herkimer Solid Waste Board Member
What do you think makes the student experience at Herkimer unique?
Herkimer offers an intimate experience for students; faculty know student’s names and we go the extra mile to help students. I believe we offer a private school quality education at public school rates.
What is something unique or important for people to know about your program?
Our Business Program is an interactive/ discussion-based program that addresses “real world” issues. Any student that has interest in Business should consider taking our classes.
What advice would you give students interested in your subject area?
Be curious, ask a lot of questions, pretend you are on a journey of discovery and that you are trying to find the secrets of success- that will help you grow and prosper.
What other roles do you have at Herkimer College (i.e. club advisor, coach, etc.)? Why is it important to you to be involved in that capacity?
Advisor to the Business Club (FMA -Future Millionaires of America- Club) great club that focuses on Business.