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1/18/2017 FMCC Bowling Match: Notes from Coach DeLuca:

Our men's team started strong with Ean Heyner and Brendon Budd each putting up good games in our first set of three.  Ean finished with a series of 660, and Brendon a 616.  Our team finished 5th in their first set.  Second set started off slow but ended on a high note.  Brendan had a 233 in his second game and Hunter Guest had a 257 in his third game.  Brendon finished with a series of 599 in his second set and Hunter earned a 563.  The men finished 5th in the second set as well.

The women fared well finishing third their first set.  Korena Kinney led the way with a 545 series with a high game of 202, followed by Kaitlynn Adsitt who finished with a 530 series.  The second set was a much improved overall team performance as two of our women shot a 600 series; Molly McGuire with a 641 and 227 high game and Korena Kinney with a 616 series and a 214 high game.  The women finished 3rd in the second set as well.

Herkimer Generals will host their next match in Ilion, NY January 27th at 1 p.m.