Herkimer College Ranked as a Top Great Value College
Herkimer College has been ranked as a top 10 great value in three categories by Great Value Colleges.
The Top 10 Great Value Colleges list ranks Herkimer College #1 for an online associate degree in accounting. Herkimer offers A.A.S. and A.S. degrees in accounting, both of which can be earned entirely online.
The top 10 great value schools were selected based on tuition value, student-to-faculty ratio, flexibility in online degree track, online student advisement, job placement, and curriculum relevancy in the current job market. Additional points were awarded for schools receiving recognition in the field of online education, being exceptionally military friendly, and offering the opportunity to receive course credit for life experience.
"Herkimer County Community College topped the list in part because of their attention to the details of student success, including two available tracks and numerous articulation agreements for ease of transferring after graduation,” said Jennifer Eisenberg, Editor at Great Value Colleges. “Their very reasonable tuition rate also contributed, as did the number of other entities recognizing Herkimer as a top provider in the field."
Herkimer also ranked #2 for an online associate degree in business administration and #5 for an online associate degree in human resource management.
Great Value Colleges is a website that provides high-quality, research based articles and rankings to help students research degrees, colleges and career options. For more information, visit http://www.greatvaluecolleges.net.