Community continues to support Herkimer College food pantry

Herkimer College has received donations from the Herkimer County Hunger Coalition and the Frankfort Kiwanis Club to support its on-campus food pantry.
On Monday, Dec. 23, the Herkimer County Hunger Coalition presented the General’s Cupboard with $500 to be deposited into its account at the Food Bank of CNY. The donation was made in memory of Marine SSGT. Joseph “Stash” Zawtocki, Jr., a Little Falls native who died 50 years ago while being held captive in a Viet Cong prison camp.
“In keeping with our motto, ‘We serve so no one shall go hungry,’ as a former professor at HCCC, and on behalf of the directors, I’m proud to make this donation and thank Mrs. Ruffing and her assistants for meeting a very real and necessary need on campus,” said Ray Lenarcic, coalition founder.
The Frankfort Kiwanis Club, the local chapter of the international service non-profit, also donated $100 to Herkimer College’s Food Bank of CNY account.
After debuting the General’s Cupboard in early Fall 2019, the College has seen an outpouring of community support, including donations from the Herkimer County College Foundation, Walmart Distribution Center in Marcy, New York, Compassion Coalition, Little Falls Knitting Club, Herkimer College employees, and local community members.
A partnership with the Food Bank of Central New York was recently solidified. “On behalf of the students who will benefit, we thank the Hunger Coalition and the Kiwanis Club for their generosity,” said Director of Public Relations Rebecca Ruffing, who also serves as chair of the General’s Cupboard Steering Committee. The General’s Cupboard opened to students on Sept. 5 and served 177 students during the fall semester.