Herkimer College announces new mission, vision statements as first step in developing a new strategic plan
The Herkimer County Community College board of trustees has approved new mission and vision statements for the College, as part of an ongoing strategic planning process.
The statements, which were approved by the board at its June 28 meeting, are as follows:
Mission Statement: Herkimer College's mission is to provide dynamic educational programs and services in an inclusive, engaging community where all learners have the opportunity to grow and succeed.
Vision Statement: Herkimer College will be the college of choice, delivering an innovative, transformative student experience inspired by a new generation.
The College maintains a comprehensive and ongoing process of institutional planning and assessment to maintain its own expected outcomes for excellence.
The new mission and vision statements were developed through a collaborative, inclusive process that began at the start of the Spring 2021 semester. An Institutional Effectiveness (IE) Planning Committee was responsible for creating the new statements, with input from faculty, staff, and students.
The IE Planning Committee is chaired by Mary Ann Carroll, associate dean of academic affairs for assessment and institutional effectiveness, and its members represent several college stakeholder groups. Taylor Listovitch ’21, president of the Student Government Association and student trustee for the 2020-21 academic year, was also included as a committee member during the spring semester. The Committee is consulting with the Society for College and University Planning (SCUP) throughout the process.
With new mission and vision statements in place, the IE Planning Committee will begin working on the strategic plan goals, objectives, and action items, with input from various stakeholder groups. The finalized plan will go before the College’s board of trustees for approval by the end of the Fall 2021 semester. Once approved, the plan will be publicized and prepared for implementation during the Spring 2022 semester, for full adoption by Fall 2022.
Moving forward, the mission and vision statements, along with the strategic plan, will be reviewed and revised on a five-year cycle.
“The revised mission and vision statements provide critical guiding principles for our institutional planning,” said President Cathleen McColgin. “Our vision for Herkimer College is progressive, and I believe it provides us with the inspiration and adaptability for an exciting future.”