Herkimer College Unveils the 2022 Edition of Phaethon

At a special reception held on May 4, 2022, Herkimer College unveiled the 2022 edition of its award-winning arts and literary publication, Phaethon.
At a special reception held on May 4, 2022, Herkimer College unveiled the 2022 edition of its award-winning arts and literary publication, Phaethon.
The magazine, which has been a part of the Herkimer College experience for over 40 years, features submissions from students, faculty, and staff including works of art, fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry.
The publication is named for the Greek mythological figure, Phaethon, who was struck down by Zeus for his daring attempt to drive his father Apollo’s sun-chariot across the sky.
Herkimer College Associate Professor of English Andrew Devitt, one of three faculty advisors of Phaethon, shared why despite his failure the name is fitting for the publication as it reflects themes of confidence, courage, and daring expression.
“It doesn’t matter if Phaethon succeeded in his attempt, he tried,” Devitt shared during the reception. “And that’s the purpose of life.”
Phaethon is also advised by Herkimer College Associate Professor of Digital Graphics Blake Pitcher and Herkimer College Instructor of English Matthew Powers.
Phaethon 2022 Contributors include:
Charisma Allen, Psychology
Leeanna Bala, Art Studio
Jason Belisle, General Studies
Jessica Bennett, Early Childhood
Jugad Boparai, Cybersecurity & Digital Forensics
Cindy Brewer, Technical Assistant - Community Education
Vicki Brown, Director of Student Activities
Madison Campagna, General Studies
Kaitlin Dodge, General Studies
Alexandria Feliciano, Humanities
Mao Fujiwara, General Studies
Kassandra Garcia, Communication & Media
Abigail Gouldin, Fashion Buying & Merchandising
Anthony Graham, Humanities
Nick Grant, Communication & Media
Trevor Howard, Social Science
Katherine Jantz, Art Studio
Aubrey Ketcham, General Studies
Trey Mariano, General Studies
Jessica Marshall, Business Administration
Elijeanah Monroe, Communication & Media
Angeline Montanez, General Studies
Jamie Muir, Business Administration
Shaquan Myers, Criminal Justice
Shuta Nishimura, General Studies
Joshua Parkinson, Director of Instructional Design
Ja’nia Ray, General Studies
Oliver Roepnack, General Studies
Natalie Sagatis, General Studies
Daniel Sargent, Assistant to the President
Isabella Smith, General Studies
Hiromasa Tanaka, General Studies
Quinton Thorpe, General Studies
Xueli Wang, Art Studio
Kiley Wren, General Studies
Publication Team:
Olivia Cook, Communication & Media – Fiction Editor
Angel Johnson, Communication & Media – Visual Editor
Albert Kiraka, Computer Network Security – Visual Editor
Elijeanah Monroe, Communication & Media – Poetry Editor
Brady Murphy, Communication & Media – Visual Editor
Phaethon has received several awards over the years from the Community College Humanities Association, Eastern Division — Small Colleges, including third place in 2021 for Best Magazine; second place, Best Magazine in 2020; and named 2019’s Best Magazine overall – indicating the issue was one of the top college publications in the nation, regardless of size.
The origins of Phaethon are unclear, but it is believed to have started in the late 1960s by Professor Emeritus Dr. Peter Clarke. Phaethon is archived in the Herkimer College Library with the earliest editions dating back to the early 1970s, including one edition featuring an interview with 70’s musician, Todd Rundgren.
To view the 2022 edition of Phaethon, visit www.herkimer.edu/phaethon.