Herkimer College Ranks Among Best Community Colleges in New York State

Herkimer County Community College is ranked seventh by Schools.com on their 2018-19 list of best community colleges in New York State.
Schools.com ranked 35 colleges based on a methodology that considered educational opportunity, student performance and student services.
According to Schools.com, Herkimer College is considered not only one of the top community colleges in New York, but one of the state's best online colleges, with an extensive catalog of courses, degrees and certificates for distance learners as well as being notable for having a nationally-ranked sports program, on-campus child care and fully furnished on-campus apartments.
Schools.com is an online source for education information, connecting current and prospective students with tools, resources, people and schools.
For more information, visit www.schools.com/community-colleges/top-community-colleges-in-new-york.