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  • American Red Cross Blood Drive
    Herkimer College is hosting an American Red Cross Blood Drive on Thursday, September 8 from 10:30 am – 3:00 pm. in Alumni Hall, room 217 in the Robert McLaughlin College Center.
  • Herkimer College ranked second among best community colleges in New York State by
    Herkimer County Community College has been ranked as the second best community college in New York State for the 2016-2017 academic year by
  • Express Enrollment Days
    Herkimer College will hold Express Enrollment Days for prospective students interested in enrolling for the fall 2016 semester. Participants will be able to apply for admission, take placement exams, receive academic advisement and register for classes in one visit.
  • The Gryphon Trio to Perform at Herkimer College
    The Gryphon Trio will perform at Herkimer County Community College on Friday, October 28 at 7 p.m. in the Sarkus Busch Theater located in the Robert McLaughlin College Center. The performance is open to the public free of charge.
  • Herkimer College to Offer Express Enrollment Day
    Herkimer, NY—Herkimer College will offer Express Enrollment on Monday, August 22 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Students interested in enrolling for the fall 2016 semester will be able to apply for admission, take placement exams, receive academic advisement and register for classes in one visit. 
  • Generals Place Fourth in NATYCAA Cup Standings
    HERKIMER, NY –The Herkimer Generals athletic program placed fourth overall nationally among two-year non-scholarship athletic programs in the National Alliance of Two-Year Athletic Administrators (NATYCAA) Cup rankings for 2015-2016. Herkimer also finished 13th in the standings for the Learfield Sports Directors’ Cup recognizing the top overall two-year colleges in all divisions combined. Both programs recognize excellence in two-year colleges, based on athletic success in championship competition.

Herkimer College Office of Marketing and Communications